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  • Jeff Payne

Exploring the Mysteries: An Educational Overview of Metaphysical Rocks and Crystals

Picture of honeycomb calicte rock with business cards and cacti in the background.
Honeycomb Calcite Lamp

Good morning readers and rock lovers, Today I want to dig into the vast world of Rocks and metaphysical crystals. This exploration of crystals will include the Metaphysical concepts and how they can effect you and the things around you.

Fundamental Concepts

Let's start with the foundational principles, Metaphysical rocks and crystals extend beyond eye catching aesthetic appeal; our earth has is filled each rock and crystal with a different energy. Imagine them as mother natures jewelry, with a tad bit of magic added in. Humans have held gems and stones in high regard for centuries, with lots of them using the metaphysical properties to heal and promote well being.

Energy Dynamics

Each rock has a different energy that it radiates and can influence moods and other aspects of ones life. A popular example would be Amethyst, which helps relieve stress, balances mood swings, and sooths irritability. While rose quartz restores harmony and encourages unconditional love. Each crystal tailored to a specific energy, that can be used in all sorts of ways.

Selecting Your Companion

Selecting the appropriate rock is as critical as choosing the perfect documentary for a lazy Sunday afternoon. Whether looking for a brick-and-mortar crystal store or searching the web, getting a stones that speaks to you. You will know when you see the rock, it just calls out to you. Its hard to explain till its happened. I will pass the same crystal multiple times in the store, but I always end up right back there looking at that crystal. It just seems it wants to go home with me.

a hand holding a tigers eye crystal carved to look like a skull
Tigers Eye Skull

The Purification Ritual

Similar to restarting your electronic devices, crystals require a rejuvenation every so often. Cleansing rituals help in pushing out any lingering negative energies they might have absorbed. Practices range from moonlight baths to the ancient art of smudging with sage. Mariah loves to put all the crystals out on a full moon to recharge them, she has done this for as long as I can remember. Find the mothed and preferences that suit you to ensure the cleansing of your crystal collection.

Harnessing Intentions

Now, let's dive into the world of manifestation. Something I was always into before finding the metaphysical properties of crystals. If you're inclined towards setting intentions and realizing your aspirations, crystals will be your best friend. Grab a crystal, focus your thoughts, and allow the metaphysical power take control. Think of it as establishing a direct connection with cosmic customer service.

This wraps it up for this blog. Thank you for reading and sharing, Mariah and I really do appreciate all the support! We will see you next time.

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